
Thanks, I will do so tomorrow. There is quite a bit of potential I think and it'd be fun to get a big win but the same sorts of issue, primarily that nasty human nature 'thingy' still exists.

You may already know this but VMWare and Docker have a history of not playing well together, primarily because Docker uses Hyper-V and, if I recall, neither VirtualBox nor VMWare do. Apparently, one approach is to run something like Ubuntu in a VM and then a Docker machine inside of that. I have VMWare 15.5 and a number of search results indicate using Esxi, so, a bit of 'fuzziness' exists. I haven't had the time but I need to think about this going forward.

And, one of the apparent "gotcha's" is that to have nested VMs only the Intel chips will work.

Apparently, though, some folks have found a way:, but there is this as well:

Here is something a bit more authoritative:

I have had 5 IP addresses here at the house for quite a while now and I want to simulate internal and external 'visibility' scenarios. More via email.

