> Collections ... could solve your challenge <

Yes, it was a challenge for me again! Unfortunately not a "refreshing" one, because it is the same as with other Lianja topics:

It's often not clear what works and if so, what works in a DeskApp and what's in a WebApp and what are the differences.

(My WebApp is especially for smartphones (there are for example, tons of addresses with phone numbers (click to select), map routes and pictures ...):

Collections make little sense with my WebApp, because the Hamburger menu only gets longer with the "headings" (collections). So the last topics are not visible. And the sub-menus can not be folded!

A "navigation panel" makes no sense too:

a) because this makes the page area to be used narrower (smartphone!)
b) The navigation panel can not be closed like a hamburger menu.
c) Furthermore, the sub-menus in the WebApp can not be folded like in the DeskApp.

The following phenomenon also robbed me some time:
If I add a collection having the same name as a page, the collection will not be accepted (not visible and no error message!).

Perhaps you could mark the page and section attributes in different colors, which are only for DeskApps and which are only for WebApps.

Bye Georg