Hi Hank,

Lianja embraced TypeScript a while back and has been gradually moving in that direction. We include TypeScript definition files for "Lianja" and the "Lianja Framework".

It is a very nice language indeed for building enterprise business apps..

There is a good handbook at:

The benefits of TypeScript are that it is a modern OO scripting language with a high degree is compatibility with ES6 (EcmaScript 2015) but it can be transpiled (as Lianja does for you) into ES5 which is compatible with all current browsers.

In Lianja 4.0 (or before) we will be integrating React and React-Native together with full support for building Google Material Design UI Apps and WebViews.

As you point out, Lianja transpiles TypeScript files into JavaScript behind the scenes and in fact will soon be handling jsx files (in the form of TypeScript .tsx files) . This will provide you with the ability to write custom WebViews using React and React-Native.

All of this is possible as Lianja embraced node.js and TypeScript for quite a while now.