Our VFP apps allow clients to tag deals listed in a grid to enable batch processing of those deals. Using the below page load() proc, the grid successfully populates but the grid is not modifiable even though the "editable" box is checked. This makes sense as the "SELECT" results are not attached to a table or cursor. (In VFP, we just allow the Chosen column to be modified as a checkbox -- haven't figured how to get the checkbox in Lianja yet.)

proc page1_load()
messagebox("Made it 1")
m_deals = lianja.getelementbyID("gDealList") //get the Grid ID
m_deals.addItems("select chosen,long_name,filename,settle_dt from deallist597") //populate the Grid

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So, I wanted to try populating the grid from a readwrite cursor to see if the would solve the problem using the following code:

proc page1_load()
messagebox("Made it 1")
select chosen,long_name,filename,settle_dt from deallist597 into cursor deals597 readwrite
m_deals = lianja.getelementbyID("gDealList")
m_deals.addItems("select * from deals597")

However, this code produces the following error messages:

Thu May 9 16:27:19 2013
**** Lianja error ****
DECLARE _DAO000C READ ONLY CURSOR FOR select * from deals597;

Called from procedure - page1_load at line 13

Naturally the grid display is now empty. Any suggestions?